King Crimson 的专辑运用的技术不在我的知识范围内,非常厉害,但是这首专辑是我的前卫摇滚启蒙作品(当然也是大部分前摇乐迷的),我不敢随便乱评价,以下用一段乐评人 VianaProghead 的简单评价吧:

“In The Court Of The Crimson King” is the debut studio album by King Crimson and was released in 1969. It reached third place on the British charts and was certified gold in the United States. The album is a mix of symphonic and jazz elements. It has long been considered the first progressive album of ever, and is also one of the most beloved and legendary albums that still stands the test of time, even than more of forty years have passed after its release.

《In The Court Of The Crimson King》是King Crimson的首张专辑,在1969年发行。它来到了英国排行榜的第三位,在美国则是被认证的金唱片。专辑是交响乐和爵士元素的混合物。它曾被长久地认为是前卫摇滚的第一张专辑,也是在经过时间考验后的最受人喜爱和最富传奇色彩的专辑,即便自它发行后已经过了四十多年的时间

另外,这张专辑不仅是流派的开创之作,而且对迷幻摇滚、交响摇滚和重金属的发展贡献都很多,在《Epitaph》和《In The Court Of The Crimson King》中大量使用了合成器管弦乐,十分优美。

这也曾是我从经典摇滚往其他流派拓展时听的第一张专辑,比 Pink Floyd 和 Genesis 听的还要早,当时没仔细听,当下再听给我极大震撼!
